la pochette finie la pochette finie la pochette finie

The necessary equipment

Manufacturing steps

Click to arrive directly to the different stages!

Measures and cuts

for action

Exhibit 1 a copy. Exhibit 2 in duplicate.
Measures Exhibit 1 
Measures Exhibit 2

Draw directly on the outer boss of the pocket with chalk. Cut to 5 mm of your tracks for seams! (I tend to cut more off but it totally useless!)

trace the pattern 
3 pieces

Use your cuts to cut the liner fabric and fleece. Let the fleece and the outer fabric pinned down, then build together (as I do not build with white thread if the fleece is white, use a wire that appears on the white!) .

all cut pieces 
build and fleece outer fabric

" Decoration ",[["noun","Decoration","Ornamentation","Adornment","Embellishment","Painting","Garland","Enhancement"]]

I prepare my paper applied before cutting the pieces and the satin stitch sewing machine.
This step is obviously not mandatory and can be completely different! Play to your ideas!

Paper preparation
finished decoration

Assembly of the outside

It is now forming the pouch. The seam is built to serve you a benchmark to assemble parts.
It starts with one side. It is fixed on the front, where cons place with pins, they sew. Can we fix the bottom with pins, you sew, you end up with the rear.

seam on one side: step 1
seam on one side: Step 2
seam on one side: step 3

One proceeds similarly for the other side. I then finished with a zigzag stitch for the batting tends to fray a lot, but it is not mandatory, it will be taken in the lining ...

sewing the other side: step 1
zigzag finish
the back cover

Assembling the lining

Same thing then to the lining, there is no need to return it at the end, the front of the fabric must be found inside.

assembly of the lining: step1
assembly of the liner: no

Assembly of the outside and lining

Assemble the lining and outside of the pocket in the flap, place against place. Draw the rounded flap chalk (a rounded preparing itself better than two sides at right angles when it will return the two tissues). Sew the flap. Trim excess fabric near the seam and indenting to prevent wrinkles by returning the tissue.

assembly and outer lining Front
assembly back outside and lining
Finishing: cutting and notching

Return tissues (like a sock), insert the liner into the pouch, cut the excess fabric if necessary (I left the extra fabric for finishing the seam by folding the outer fabric on the lining, it was found that my outer fabric with fleece was much too thick, so I opted for the opposite, fold the lining on the outside!). \x3cbr/\x3e Then, fold the liner fabric and sew on the outside (preferably by hand, you see, but the seams are difficult to make accessible to the machine).

Cutting surpassing
Finish sewing the front and side

There is more than sewing a small piece of scratch and the cover is finished! The scratch can be sewn on the front lining, side flap to avoid a hand stitching that does not exceed the outside (it's not very nice if you can see the stitching on the outside of the pouch). I did not do it because my lining is made of jersey, the opening of the pouch would have pulled the fabric too.

the cover over
the cover finished with scratch